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Any color but white...

Well, it's been a minute since I posted.  Sorry about that.  I figured I would take a moment to address some concerns about white.  In the paint world, white is a dirty word.  Most painters hate painting the color, followed closely yellow, red, and orange.  

The reason for this is that typically these colors give poor coverage.  White doesn't cover up colors underneath it well.  Yellow doesn't either.  They have lower pigmentation levels and are more transparent, by nature.

As you can see, I have been painting a little bit of white lately.  Through that time I have learned a couple tricks.

First, don't use white.  I can hear it now, "what do you mean don't use white?!?" I mean don't use white.  Use a veeeeery light grey.  This allows you to build up highlights to white later.  

Second.  Thin your paints.  This goes for white (or not white in this case) as well.  Yes thicker white covers better, but you end up with miniatures that look like they were painted with Bondo.

Third, many thin layers.  Yes you may need 5 layers of white vs 2 of blue.  That's the nature of painting white.  Paint a thin layer, let it dry, rinse and repeat. 

Finally, save pure white for the highlights.  If you apply all these together, you give the illusion of white that has shadows applied.  

You too can paint white (or yellow, red or orange, as all the same principals apply for these colors).  You just have to have patience and follow some simple basic tips. 

As always, thin your paints.


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